by Dr. I.C. Yang @
當我們試著將整個 地球看作一個系統來看, 那麼這個系統會受到地球 外的太陽系環境所產生之 影響的情況並不多;除了 來自太陽風暴的干擾外, 另一種常見的現象就是流 星體進入大氣層. 當研究者企圖藉由流 星來瞭解太陽系的 環境時,計算出流星體在 太陽系中的軌道是一項在 研究中很重要的資訊. 然 而想要準確地得到軌道資 訊,便需要利用三角定位 法來進行,因此對單一流 星的多點觀測就成了唯一的途徑. 多點觀測所獲 得的資料再加上分析軟體,就可以得出流星體在 太陽系裡運行的軌道,而且越多點的觀測資料會 提高資料的精確度. 基於對流星體軌道的研究,2008年任職於中 央大學天文所的阿部新助助理教授便著手在中央 大學校區內及鹿林天文臺上架設自動觀測系統. 筆者是在2009年透過任職於臺中科博館的林志隆 副研究員介紹得知此一構想. 鑒於流星自動觀測 系統在技術與資金的門檻條件不高,所以2010年 筆者與當時專題生曹俊傑便著手在臺東及高雄兩 地分別規劃架設一套自動觀測系統. 自動觀測系 統的基本原理可參閱吳秉勳在本期中《流星自動 觀測與分析軟體介紹》一文. 2010年下半年先 完成位於高雄的自動觀測系統,隔年暑假時接著 臺東處的自動觀測系統. 這兩處的系統架設完成 後,便已具有定位流星體軌道的能力. 但是流星 自動觀測系統中的高感度光電耦合器都是固定方 向的,因此可觀測範圍就變得有限. 僅以上述四 處的自動觀測系統所能涵蓋的範圍便顯得非常不 足。 因此, 2012年起,首先是林志隆副研究員 與臺中大里高中的林士超老師於臺灣大學梅峰農 場處架設一套自動觀測系統;阿部新助助理教授 所指導的研究生─臺中惠文高中的吳秉勳老師也 在惠文高中校內架設自動觀測系統。然後吳秉勳 老師又尋得金門金城國中蔡松輝老師及彰化福興 國中的吳炳連老師參與,在金城國中及福興國中 內又分別架設自動觀測系統。最後,東華大學物 理系的紀信昌也加入團隊,並於東華大學內架設 自動觀測系統。至此,團隊雛型已成。所以大家 覺得應該幫整 個團隊取上一個容易上口又好記的 名稱,最後大家一致同意採用由阿部新助助理教 授所提議的英文名稱「TaiWan Elegant mEteor and TLE Network」,縮寫則為「TWEET」,中文名 稱則用「臺灣流星觀測網」。 文/ 楊義清 圖一、目前流星觀測網的觀測地點與監視器觀測方向 11 TWEET 環觀世界各地,許多地區也多已有成 立類似的組織。如最早於1911年成立的美 國流星協會,該協會早期是以目視紀錄為 主。另一個較大的觀測網絡為歐洲視頻流 星觀測網絡 (European viDeo MeteOr Network Database,EDMOND),這是有數個較小的 觀測網絡所共同形成的,其中成員有法國 業餘觀測網絡(BOAM),中歐流星網絡 (CEMeNt)、匈牙利業餘觀測(HMN)、 義大利流星和TLE 網絡(IMTN)、波蘭 火球網(P F N)、斯洛伐克視頻流星網 (S V M N)及若干幾位單獨的業餘觀察 者。在日本則有成立於2004年的「SonotaCo Network」. 而跨國之間的最大型組織則是 成立於1988年的國際流星組織「IMO」,為 國際性的科學非營利組織. 由於流星自動觀測在技術與資金上的 門檻條件都不高,因此在國外為許多天文 業餘愛好者所青睞. 在2013年5月31日, 臺灣時間晚上10點28分全臺各地都有超亮 火流星的目擊及視訊紀錄(特別的是大多 數的視訊紀錄都是來自於汽車的行車紀錄 器),而臺灣流星觀測網中的福興國中觀 測點跟梅峰農場觀測點也都記錄到東南方有一顆 超亮的流星.稍晚便由吳秉勳老師將這顆流星的 軌跡給算出來(見圖四左),出現位置在綠島東 方約100公里處的高空. 不過很可惜這次的結果並 沒有快速地利用管道向外界披露,為此臺灣流星 觀測網的成員便商議成立臉書粉絲首頁(同年6月 7日),作為科研成果快速呈現的管道.在阿部新 圖二、彰化福興國中觀測站所觀測涵蓋的天空區域,顯示的顏色代 表為不同海拔高度所能觀測的涵蓋範圍. 圖三、2010年至2013年經由兩個觀測站以上所記錄到的流星軌跡. 助助理教授回到日本任教後,為了加強成員間彼 此的聯繫,因此大家決議設立召集人一名(2014 年由筆者擔任)來召集討論有關臺灣流星觀測網 的任何事宜.臺灣流星觀測網歡迎有興趣的業餘 天文愛好者加入,任何有興趣者可以直接連絡筆 者,或是就近聯繫上述文中提到的人員. 圖四左、2013年 5月31日晚上10 點28分(臺灣時 間)發生於臺灣 附近高空的超亮 火流星事件之軌 跡圖. 圖四右、於梅峰 所記錄下來的火 流星影像,絕對 星等推算小於-8 等.2014.11 <>
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Taiwan Meteor Observation Network Introduction
(Taiwan Elegant Meteor and TLE Network)
Taiwan meteor observation network presentation (Taiwan Elegant Meteor and TLE Network) when we try to look at the entire Earth as a system, then the system will be the impact of the solar system outside Earth environmental situation is not much; apart from the sun interference storm outside, another common phenomenon is meteoroids entering the atmosphere.
When researchers attempt to understand the solar system by a meteor environment, calculate the orbit of meteoroids in the solar system is a very important in the study of information.
However you want to accurately track information obtained, we need to use triangulation method, so a single multi-point observations of meteors has become the only way.
Analysis software combined with multi-point observations on the data obtained, it can be drawn meteoroids in the solar system in orbit, and observations, the more points will improve the accuracy of the information based on the study of meteoroids orbit in 2008 worked at the Central University of Astronomy, an assistant professor of Abe, the new aid would begin at the Central University campus and deer 林天文 stage set up automatic observation system.
The author was introduced in 2009 that this idea through working in the Taichung Science Museum of Chih-Lung Lin associate professor.
In view of the meteor automatic observation system technical and financial conditions in the threshold is not high so in 2010 and then he proceeded to the topic of Health 曹俊杰 in Taitung and Kaohsiung respectively planning to set up an automated observation system.
The basic principle of automatic observation system can be found in this issue 吴秉勋 "Meteor automatic observation and analysis software introduction "an article in the second half of 2010 to finish Kaohsiung automatic observation system, then automatic observation system Taitung at which two of the system set up after the completion, already have the ability to locate meteoroids orbit next year when the summer.
But meteor automatic Observing System sensitivity opto-couplers are fixed direction, it can be an observation area becomes limited only the range of the four automatic observation system can cover it is very inadequate.
Therefore, since 2012, the first is an associate researcher with the Rumsey Chih-Lung Lin ultra high school teacher in Taichung Dali erected an automated observation system in the field at the National Taiwan University 梅峰农; Assistant Professor Abe new graduate ─ guided help Taichung Wen Hui high school teacher 吴秉勋Huiwen High School campus erected in automated observing systems.
Then Wubing Xun teacher and find out the Golden Gate Jincheng States Caisong Hui Fu Xingguo teachers and Changhua Wu Bing in even the teacher involved in Jincheng States and Fu Xingguo they were erected in the automatic observation system.
Finally, Donghua University, Department of Physics 纪信昌 also joined the team, and set up automatic observation system in the Donghua University.
So far, the team has become a prototype.
So we think we should help the team get a catchy name easy to remember, finally unanimously agreed to by the Abe proposed new aid, an assistant professor of English name "TaiWan Elegant mEteor and TLE Network", the abbreviation was "TWEET" , Chinese name is used "Taiwan meteor observation network."
Text / 杨义清 view of a current observation location and direction of the meteor watchers observing networks 11 TWEET ring concept around the world, many areas are mostly already set up similar organizations.
Such as the American Meteor Society was founded in 1911, the association is a visual record of the main early.
Another major video meteor observing network for the European Observation Network (European viDeo MeteOr Network Database, EDMOND), which is observing several smaller networks together form, in which members of the French amateur observation network (BOAM), Central Europe meteor Network (CEMeNt), Hungary amateur observers (HMN), Italian Meteor and TLE Network (IMTN), Poland Fireball Network (PFN), Slovakia video streaming satellite network (SVMN) and a number of several separate amateur observer.
In Japan, there was established in 2004, "SonotaCo Network."
And among the largest multinational organization is established in 1988, International Meteor Organization "IMO" for international scientific non-profit organization.
Since automatic meteor observation technical and financial conditions on the threshold is not high, so foreign to many astronomy amateurs of all ages.
In the May 31, 2013, Taiwan time 22:28 all over Taiwan have super-bright fireball sightings and Video records (especially that most of the video record are from automobile driving record), and Taiwanese meteor observation network in Xingguo Fu observation point with Mei Fengnong field observation points are also recorded in the south-east there is a super-bright meteor.
Later they made 吴秉勋 teacher of meteor trajectory to figure out (see figure IV left), appears in the upper position about 100 kilometers at the East Green.
But unfortunately the results did not quickly take advantage of the pipeline disclosure to the outside world, the members of this meteor observation network in Taiwan will discuss the establishment of fans on Facebook page (in the same year on June 7), as the research pipeline render quickly in the new Abe Figure II, Changhua Xingguo Fu observation covered observation station Sky area, the color displayed is representative of coverage that can be observed at different altitudes.
Figure III, from 2010 to 2013 via two stations recorded above the meteor trajectory. aid assistant professor after returning to Japan to teach, to strengthening of linkages between members, so we set up the convener of a resolution (2014 headed by the author) to convene to discuss any matters relating to Taiwan meteor observation network in Taiwan meteor observation network welcomed the interest of amateur astronomy enthusiasts to join, any Track interested can contact the author directly, or contact the nearest person mentioned in the text above.
Figure IV left, at 22:28 on May 31, 2013 (Taiwan time) occurred in the vicinity of Taiwan's high-altitude super-bright meteor event of fire Figure. Figure IV right to Meifeng the bolide recorded images, estimated absolute magnitude less than -8 and other . <>
Documented dated 2014.11
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